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Assisted Braking Device (ABD) Verification

What is ABD Verification?
  • It is a test for you to belay using the Assisted Braking Device (ABD) safely.

  • There is a Top Rope and Lead Belay Verification.

*ABD verification slots are released fortnightly on Thursdays, at 12 p.m.

Test Criteria/ Matrix:

Click here for the Top Rope matrix

Click here for the Lead matrix

What are the things I need to know?
  • ABD Verification will be done in pairs. We recommend you find your partner for weight difference consideration during the belay test.

  • All participants required to register for the online slot.

  • Verification fee DOES NOT include Rental of Climbing Equipment! 

  • Bring your own equipment and ABD (rental will only be subjected to availability)

  • Read up on the matrix before verification.

  • If you pass the top rope verification, you can take the Lead verification. Additional fees apply as it will be considered a ‘new’ verification.

  • Re-test can only be made at least 1 month after the pervious verification.

  • If you already have the Lead verification tag, you need not go for the top rope verification.

What happens after the verification?
  • Top Rope Belayer: MUST use ABD and display minimally Top Rope Belay Verification Tag

  • Lead Belayer: MUST use ABD and display Lead Verification Tag

  • Lead Climber: MUST display Lead Verification Tag

  • You will be issued with a verification tag (green for Top Rope and Orange for Lead) upon successful verification which would allow you to belay at Ground Up, Climb Central and Onsight Climbing.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have the old lead tag; do I need to take the new verification test?

Yes, the new tag shows that you are proficient in belaying using ABD while the old lead tag shows that you are proficient in belaying using a tubular device (ATC).

I don’t have a belay tag, am I still allowed to climb/ belay?

You will only be able to climb Auto belay and Boulder (no belaying is allowed).

I am already Level 1 / 2 certified, why do I need to do the verification?

The level 1 / 2 certification passing standard is based on the tubular device (ATC) which was set by Singapore Mountaineering Federation (SMF). Our gym requires belayers to know how to use ABDs.

Displaying a verification tag is our in-house gym rule.

I took the Sports Climbing Level 1 / 2 courses at Ground Up Climbing and learned how to use the ABD, why do I need to do take the verification test?

As addressed on the previous point. This is a collective effort by Ground Up, Onsight and Climb Central to create a new standard across the gyms.

Your staff already verified me the last time I was here. Why do I need to do the verification?

Unless you were issued a verification tag, any guidance from our staff does not count as passing the verification test. Prior to January 2018, belayers are allowed to belay without the tags as the rule to display the tags was enforced from 1st January 2018.

Why were we not informed of this tags?

Information regarding the new verification standards as well as the mandatory use of ABDs had been displayed on our website, social media as well as in print all around the gym since July 2017. This was to ensure that all climbers have enough time to learn the new standards and take the verification tests.

Is my friend required to pay for the verification again if he/she has been verified and is helping me with the verification?

No, Payment is only required if you have not been verified.

Why do I need to pay for the verification when I already did for the old one?

The fee is meant to cover the loss of man hours of our staff who are doing the verification and the value of the card. We hope you understand that the verification system is to create a safer climbing environment.

I am in Singapore for a short stay can I climb/belay without the tag?

You will still need to display a verification tag. Do let us know in advance and we will do our best to arrange a verification for you.

I do not have a partner can I still do the verification?

Unfortunately, our verification requires you to have a partner. You can look for someone who is already verified. However,  your partner is required to pay for the gym entry fee.

Even if I have the old lead tag, can I still top rope belay?

You need the new verification tag, as the old lead tag is based on ATC and is no longer recognized.

I am verified by another gym, do I still need to take the verification?

There is no need to take another verification as long as it is the new verification based on the ABD that is issued by Climb Central, Ground Up or Onsight.

Is this recognized in other gyms?

Only Climb Central and Ground Up 

As gyms are implementing the usage of ABDs, climbers & belayers are required to get themselves verified, to display their competency in the use of the devices, be it on Top Rope or Lead Climbing.

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